
Join Lnu For another year of Daily Prompts for National Poetry Month #NaPoRiMo. Write to a few, or write to them all, well have them here for you all month long. Check out past years prompts below!



Join LNU during National Poetry Writing Month. We’ll be posting our prompts daily on our social media platforms and here. #LnuWrites2022 #NaPoWriMo

#LNUWrites2022 Join LNU this April 2022 for Poetry Month and write with us all month long. We’ll post a new writing Prompt each day. LnuTheaterCo.com

1/30 #LnuWrites2022 Spring is a season for change. Write a poem describing your personal season right now. Be sure to capture elements in nature and use them as a tool to enhance your poem. LnuTheaterCo.com

2/30 #LnuWrites2022 Tell the side of the story that no one asked you but will free you. LnuTheaterCo.com

3/30 Write a "Golden Shovel Poem". This form was created by Terrance Hayes. Take a line from another poem or text and use each word in that line as the end of a line in the poem. The title is the Quote. Make sure to give credit to author you are quoting.

4/30 Where I’m from_. Think of all the items you might put into a suitcase if you had to leave home and couldn’t return. Write a list poem that contains at least 5 items.  Each item is the first line of each new stanza.

5/30 Who gets protected? Think about times you resolved a conflict without calling the police. What happened? Write a poem that envisions safety without calling the police.


come celebrate
with me that everyday
something has tried to kill me
and has failed.
~Lucille Clifton

Write a poem that celebrates you surviving. What have you lived through? What have you won?

7/30 Whew Chile, we tired. Ain’t no prompt. Just write something.

8/30 Villains are always misunderstood. Write a poem from the perspective of a villain, who is debating on saving the hero. Why is there bad blood between them? What Part of the story don’t we know?

9/30 Poetic Device: Irony

Irony: Describing a contrast between appearance and reality.

Ex. Jails and prisons don’t make us safer. Police do not prevent violence.

Write a poem using irony to describe a system that is supposed to be helpful but isn’t. 


War has two mouths.

The first mouth__.

The second mouth__.


This is not your average love poem…

Write an ode or love poem to someone or something that is unexpected.

(Kin, game system, homie, astrology sign) 

12/30 Tis the season for leaving. What are the things that are no longer serving you?


Bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, nerves, skin, bodymind.

Write a poem focused on the body today. Get specific. Use the senses to guide you. How can you describe parts of the body with new words?

14/30 Safer at Home/Mask Mandates/Vaxx/Business as Usual... Write a poem talking about your experience during the pandemic. What do you think about the policies, mandates? How did you choose to stay safe? Are you afforded the same protections as others?

Juxtaposition is contrast- hidden with visible, power with oppression, freedom with cages. Or mutual aid when resources are limited. Write a poem that incorporates juxtaposition/contrast throughout the metaphors and stanzas.

16/30: Promises. Write a poem about promises kept and/or promises broken.

17/30: Resurrection, Rebirth, Recovery, Renewal, Resuscitation, Reincarnation. What tombs have you climbed/ crawled/ rolled out of? Write a poem about the comeback.

18/30: “Grief is a toothless smile” ~ T.S.Banks

The metaphor compares things without “like” or “as” and the things are usually unrelated...

Write a poem about grief. This could be about a friendship ending, losing an elder, or parts of yourself that no longer serve you. Use metaphors to intensify your poem.

19/30: Museum, Display, Window, Mirror, Glass, Bodycam...Write a poem about surveillance. Who is watching, looking, studying and why?

20/30: Time travel. Write a poem that speaking in a voice from the past or future. Experiment with telling/writing the poem in another voice/perspective than your usual.

21/30: Gratitude: spontaneous thankfulness and a readiness to show appreciation. Write a poem of gratitude to yourself, Spirit Being, person or thing.

22/30: Everyone can and will cause harm; everyone can be harmed Transforming harm is a consensual process between multiple people.Write a poem about a time you decided to stay in relationship after causing or being harmed.

23/30: Battle rappers are magicians at using allusion and rhyme. Allusion- a word or extended metaphor describing a larger element. Refering to themselves or something/one as something else. “My pen lines endure time like Sophocles...” Write a poem using allusion and rhyme.

24/30: Epistolary Poem. Poem read or written as a letter. Write a letter to your younger self. What would you encourage them to do? What would you celebrate about then? How would you love them?

25/30Capitalism- “Economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and profits off exploitation, underpaid labor and incarceration of poor people. BODIES OVER PROFIT. Write a poem the things you would do, if you didn’t have to hustle and survive the current system of capitalism. What systems of care would you be able to participate in.

26/30: Lament. A poem or song of grief about something or someone.

ex: Long after all the purple blooms

I’ll open up the box to grieve

~Allison Joseph "Lament for the Orchids”

Write a lament.

27/30: Another body like mine left outside the crosswalk,

Unarmed dot surrounded by badges and guns.

Safety plans exist to protect able bodies only.

~“expectations” by T.S.Banks from “Left”

Write a poem about the intersection between state violence and ableism. What happens?

28/30: Spoons, capacity, energy, chronic, c/Krip-Ingenuity. Write about having to get creative to get something done when you are/were low energy, ill, or just over-it.

29/30: Intuition: that gut feeling that moves to action with no evidence or proof. Write a poem about something you got a feeling about. Write a poem about trusting yourself.

30/30: SPLIT. Noun. A tear, crack or fissure, in something, especially down the middle. Write a poem about being torn between 2 things. Write about having to contend with nuance. Write about conflicting emotions.

Image description:[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: -/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : #LnuWrites2021 #NaPoWriMo Join LNU for writing prompts all m…

Image description:

[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: -/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : #LnuWrites2021 #NaPoWriMo Join LNU for writing prompts all month!

Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]

1/30: Where Im From

Image description:[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 1/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : Where I’m From… Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]

Image description:

[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 1/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : Where I’m From… Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]

2/30: Fury- intense and often destructive rage.

Image description:[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 2/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Fury: Intense & often destructive rage." Underneath the…

Image description:[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 2/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Fury: Intense & often destructive rage." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites20213/30Access: to approach or enter.---------Write about a time you were unavailable.Image description:[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 3/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black in…



Access: to approach or enter.


Write about a time you were unavailable.

Image description:

[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 3/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Access: to approach or enter. Write about a time you were unavailable." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites2021 4/30 Today is complicated... --------- I used to think... Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 4/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing…

#LnuWrites2021 4/30 Today is complicated... --------- I used to think... Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 4/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Today is complicated.../I used to think..." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites20215/30mask: a covering worn to disguise, amuse or terrify---------Underneath the mask...Image description:[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 4/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & blac…



mask: a covering worn to disguise, amuse or terrify


Underneath the mask...

Image description:

[Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 4/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "mask: a covering worn to disguise, amuse or terrify/ Underneath the mask..." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites2021 7/30 Dignity : sense of pride in oneself, self-respect. --------- I am worthy of... Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 7/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & blac…

#LnuWrites2021 7/30 Dignity : sense of pride in oneself, self-respect. --------- I am worthy of... Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 7/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Dignity: sense of pride in oneself, self-respect./I am worthy..." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites2021 6/30 VOTE: formal indication of choice between 2 or more candidates or action typically through ballot. --------- This is why i do or don't vote... Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 6…

#LnuWrites2021 6/30 VOTE: formal indication of choice between 2 or more candidates or action typically through ballot. --------- This is why i do or don't vote... Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 6/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "VOTE: formal indication of choice between 2 or more candidates or action typically through ballot. / This is why I do or don't vote...Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites2021 8/30 Pain: discomfort caused by illness or injury Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 8/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that re…

#LnuWrites2021 8/30 Pain: discomfort caused by illness or injury Image description: [Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 8/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "pain: discomfort caused by illness or injury." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites2021 9/30 Abolition: the ending to a harmful, violent institution or system. [Image description: Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 9/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotc…

#LnuWrites2021 9/30 Abolition: the ending to a harmful, violent institution or system. [Image description: Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 9/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Abolition: the ending of a harmful, violent institution or system." Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]


#LnuWrites2021 10/30 Care:providing what's necessary for the health, wellness & protection of someone. [Image description: Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 10/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white &…

#LnuWrites2021 10/30 Care:providing what's necessary for the health, wellness & protection of someone. [Image description: Graphic with a blue background. With a Black LNU Logo. It reads: 10/30. #LNUWrites2021. There is a white pen and a white & black ink splotch with writing that reads : "Care: providing what's necessary for the health, wellness & protection" Underneath the ink splotch reads: #NaPoWriMo]

Kickoff Promo.png
Whos got the power April 1.png

April 1st 2020

who’s got the power?

3 wishes granted April 2.png

April 2

3 wishes granted by your fairyGod Person…What did you ask for?

Recipe for loving me April 3.png

April 3

recipe for loving me

capitalism April 4.png

april 4


Nobody is disposable April 5th.png

April 5

Nobody is disposable


celebration April 6.png

april 6


grief comes April 7.png

April 7

Grief comes in many forms

year 17 April 8.png

april 8

year 17…

once upon a time april 9.png

april 9

once upon a time…

am i free april 10.png

April 10

are we/ am i free?

praise be this body april 11.png

April 11

Praise be this body…

rebirth April 12.png

April 12

Not the same as before.


a story of the glow-up.

Free them all april 13.png

April 13

Free them all


Proud pride April 14th.png

April 14

Pride / Proud

boundaries april 15.png

April 15

Boundaries. Write a poem that outlines your boundaries. Dear____…

take care of each other april 16.png

April 16

Name the ways we take care of each other.

fear April 17.png

APril 17


Write about a time/s you met fear. what were they like? How did you face them?

before the virus april 18.png

April 18

Before the virus…

April 19


trapped inside april 20.png

April 20

What’s trapped inside of there?

victorious april 21.png

April 21

Victorious: Having won a battle or fight

Write a poem talking about the toughest battle you’ve won.

ode to my homies.png

April 22

this is an ode to my homies…

no apologies april 23.png

April 21

No more apologies. what are the things you won’t apologize for anymore?

What are the apologies you won’t accept?

Personify April25.png

April 25

Personify: giving a [Non-Human] object or thing; qualities or mannerisms of a human.

Personify a mythical creature or force of nature.

indulgences April 26.png

April 26

Create a list of indulgences.
When done, try to incorporate them in a poem. Be as descriptive as possible.

chronic april 27.png

April 27

Chronic: persisting for a long time or constantly recurring

April 28

a hard truth to swallow.

Change April 29.png

April 29

change/ transition/ shift/ adjustment/ revision


LNU Nov. Writing Prompts

November is National Novel Writing Month. LNU will be posting a few prompts this month. Enjoy!!

LNU Nov Writing Prompts 1.png

Nov. 2nd

At My Table…

LNU Nov Writing Prompts 2.png

Nov 3rd

Where I’m From…

LNU Nov Writing Prompts 3.png

Nov 4th

2 sides to the equation…

LNU Nov Writing Prompts 4.png

Nov 5th


LNU Nov Writing Prompts bone skin ligaments.png

Nov 6th

bones, joints, ligaments, skin, nerves

LNU Nov Writing Prompts accountable.png

nov 7th


LNU Nov Writing Prompts my power.png

Nov 8th

my power…

LNU Nov Writing Prompts unwrapped.png

nov 9th


Nov 10th


LNU Nov Writing Prompts altArs Ive built.png

Nov 11th

“these altars i’ve built”

LNU Nov Writing Prompts when my wall is down.png

nov 12th

“when my wall is down”

LNU Nov Writing Prompts safety plans exist.png

nov 13th

“safety plans exist to protect able bodies only”

LNU Nov Writing Prompts after the call out broken bank of secrets.png

nov 14th

“after the call-out

when they melt

broken bank of secrets

picked apart”

LNU Nov Writing Prompts revolution will not.png

nov 15th

the revolution will (not)…

LNU Nov Writing Prompts if my pillow could talk.png

Nov 16th

if my pillow could talk…

LNU Nov Writing Prompts Remix fairy tales.png

Nov 17th

Remix a fairytale, myth, or legend

LNU Nov Writing Prompts hindsight is 2020.png

Nov 18th

“hindsight is 20/20”

LNU Nov Writing Prompts rebirth 1.png

Nov 19th


LNU Nov Writing Prompts losing or gaining control.png

Nov 20th

write about losing or gaining control

LNU Nov Writing Prompts wrtie a list poem describing care.png

Nov 21st

Write a list poem describing care, community care, or self-care

LNU Nov Writing Prompts for the 99 and 2000.png

Nov 22nd

“taking over for the ‘99 & 2000” Write an ode or love poem to your favorite song.

LNU Nov Writing Prompts villain or hero.png

Nov 23rd

Villain, Hero, or its Complicated?Write at-least 3 Stanzas describing the same character.

LNU Nov Writing Prompts write a manifesto.png

Nov 24th

write a manifesto

(declaration of beliefs, motives, boundaries or intentions & personal truth)

LNU Nov Writing Prompts boodbirth by audre lorde.png

nov 25th

"That which is inside of me screaming

beating about for exit or entry"

~Audre Lorde


LNU Nov Writing Prompts letter to ancestor.png

Nov 26th

Write a letter to your ancestor, younger self, lover or stranger.

Nov 27th

Rewrite a creation story.

LNU Nov Writing Prompts write about gift cant be bought.png

Nov 28th

write an obituary for a system of oppression.

LNU Nov Writing Prompts write about gift cant be bought.png

nov 29th

write about a gift that can not be bought.

LNU Nov Writing Prompts patriarchy has died.png

Nov 30th

you wake up from a nap in a different world, where patriarchy has died. describe your surroundings.

LNU National Poetry Month Writing Prompts 30/30 2019

Join LNU for the Month of April 2019 as we complete the famous 30/30 for National Poetry Month,

take a look at our prompts, follow them or resist them as you please. Most of All Have Fun!

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 1.png

Day 1

Write a “Where Im From Poem

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 2.png

Day 2

Write about the last thing that made you angry

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 3.png

Day 3

Write about a belief,

you will never

compromise on.

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 4.png

DAy 4

When I was little, I used to think_______

Now that im older I know ______

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 5.png

Day 5

Write aBout something

you never said

out loud before.

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 6.png


You Caught me DayDreaming about…

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 7.png


Write a Love Letter

to yourself.

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 8.png


write an obituary for a system of oppression

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 9.png


Write a poem about a “hero” with serious character flaws

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 10.png

Day 10

Cages were meant to be…

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 11.png

Day 11

Underneath it all..

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 Day 12.png

Day 12

Tell 2 sides to a story

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 13.png

day 13

write a list poem defining what liberation is

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 14.png

Day 14


LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 15.png

Day 15

Write a poem from the perspective of monday

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 16.png

day 16

at this intersection

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 17.png

Day 17

Write a poem facing your biggest fear

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 18.png

Day 18

If wall could talk

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 19.png

Day 19

It has been a long week! how have you survived?

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 20.png

Day 20

Grab a quote from one of your favorite artist. then use it as a prompt.

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 21.png

day 21

In-between the noise

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 22.png

Day 22

Ask your friends to comment a word. then use a few to free write.

LNU NAPOMO Prompts 2019 day 23.png

Day 23

Before the storm comes…